Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Hello all!! Here is a little update on what is going on. Garry got a job offer in Afton, Wyoming as a warehouse manager for a company called PC Industries, but he is not sure if he wants to take the job. So he is most likely going to decline and keep looking. He really wants to work for the Windmill projects in California, which he is looking into. We got a lot of plums and apples from the trees at Garry's parent's house. Wow, they were loaded!!! We have bottled plums, plum jam, and lots of frozen plums. Next, we will dehydrate the apples with cinnamon flavoring. Yum! Lots to do after the harvest. Our niece, Alyssa, is getting baptized November 1st in Afton, but Garry and I will be going to Rio Vista for a visit during that weekend. It will be a fun weekend spending Halloween at Nick's Football game. Go Rams!!! Grandma Tingey said she got a cow costume for little Henry. That will be cute. Will get pictures.

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